I need to call a runbook from another runbook and get a custom object as output in azure automation . It works fine If the called runbook returns int or string but returning Custom Objects could not be done.A simple example for the called runbook is
workflow CalledRunbook
Now this runbook is called from the CallingRunbook and I need to print this obj1
workflow CallingRunbook
#After doing proper authentication
$job = Start-AzureAutomationRunbook -Name "CalledRunbook" -AutomationAccountName $AutomationAccountName
$doLoop = $true
while($doLoop) {
Start-Sleep -s 5
$job = Get-AzureAutomationJob -Id $job.Id -AutomationAccountName $AutomationAccountName
$doLoop = (($job.Status -notmatch "Completed") -and ($job.Status -notmatch "Failed") -and ($job.Status -notmatch "Suspended") -and ($job.Status -notmatch "Stopped"))
$jobout = Get-AzureAutomationJobOutput `
-Id $job.Id `
-AutomationAccountName $AutomationAccountName `
-Stream Output
if ($jobout) {
Write-Output $jobout
The output is empty. If I return a string That works perfectly fine. How to make it work with custom objects ?
Each output record of a runbook job in Azure Automation is always stored as a string, regardless of type. If the object being outputted is not a string, it is serialized as a string. It would appear this object does not serialize to a string correctly, so Azure Automation is not storing its string version as job output.
To workaround this, my recommendation would be to serialize / deserialize the object yourself between the two runbooks. Use ConvertTo-Json on the object in CalledRunbook, and output the result of that. This will output the object as a JSON string. Then, in CallingRunbook, call ConvertFrom-Json on the output of CalledRunbook, to get the original object back.