os_log wrapper crashed when using "%s"

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I am trying to wrap os_log for logging in my iOS app like so:

import Foundation
import OSLog

enum LogCategory: String, CaseIterable {
    case viewCycle
    case tracking
    case api

struct Log {
    private static let logs = {
        return LogCategory.allCases
            .reduce(into: [LogCategory: OSLog]()) { dict, category in
                dict[category] = OSLog(subsystem: Bundle.main.bundleIdentifier ?? "BIMB", category: category.rawValue)

    static func debug(category: LogCategory, message: StaticString, _ args: CVarArg...) {
        logImpl(category: category, message: message, type: .debug, args)

    static func info(category: LogCategory, message: StaticString, _ args: CVarArg...) {
        logImpl(category: category, message: message, type: .info, args)
    static func notice(category: LogCategory, message: StaticString, _ args: CVarArg...) {
        logImpl(category: category, message: message, type: .default, args)
    static func warning(category: LogCategory, message: StaticString, _ args: CVarArg...) {
        logImpl(category: category, message: message, type: .default, args)
    static func error(category: LogCategory, message: StaticString, _ args: CVarArg...) {
        logImpl(category: category, message: message, type: .error, args)
    static func critical(category: LogCategory, message: StaticString, _ args: CVarArg...) {
        logImpl(category: category, message: message, type: .fault, args)
    private static func logImpl(category: LogCategory, message: StaticString, type: OSLogType, _ args: CVarArg...) {
        guard let log = logs[category] else {
        os_log(message, log: log, type: type, args)

The problem is if I did this:

Log.debug(category: .tracking, 
          message: "Device ID: %s.", 
          UIDevice.current.identifierForVendor?.uuidString ?? "unknown")

it always crashed with this error:

2023-12-13 12:33:35.173798+0700 bimb-authenticate-ios[62740:928633] *** Terminating app due to uncaught exception 'NSInvalidArgumentException', reason: '-[Swift.__SwiftDeferredNSArray UTF8String]: unrecognized selector sent to instance 0x600000dcbbc0'

But if I just do it with os_log like this:

os_log("Device ID: %s.",
       log: OSLog(subsystem: Bundle.main.bundleIdentifier!, category: "tracking"),
       type: .debug,
       UIDevice.current.identifierForVendor?.uuidString ?? "unknown")

it worked fine. Can you tell me what's wrong here?



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