Orbeon Internal XForms submission unauthorized

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After migration from Obreon Forms 3.8 to 4.9, this submission:

<xf:submission id="make-wsdl-as-zip" method="post" xxforms:show-progress="false"
            action="/services/wsdl-in-zip" replace="all" instance="wsdl">

gives an error:

2015-06-18 11:07:43,951 INFO ProcessorService - /resource/wsdl.xform - Received request 2015-06-18 11:07:43,954 INFO PageFlowControllerProcessor - unauthorized {controller: "oxf:/page-flow.xml", method: "POST", path: "/resource/wsdl.xform", status-code: "403"} 2015-06-18 11:07:43,955 INFO ProcessorService - HttpStatusCodeException(code = 403, resource = None, throwable = ) at line 41, column 47 of oxf:/config/prologue-servlet.xpl (executing processor: element='[...]', name='{http://www.orbeon.com/oxf/processors}page-flow') 2015-06-18 11:07:43,955 INFO ProcessorService - /resource/wsdl.xform - Timing: 4

I am not using RequestDispatcher. Orbeon is deployed on Tomcat and is only changed in its web.xml, which is the sandbox-directory location.

What is wrong?


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