'OracleAQRnd.db_Message_type2::text::OracleObjectMappingAttribute' cannot be set to an invalid value of 'text'

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I need to do Enqueue and Dequeue messages using UDT in oracle advanced queue in c#. I am using following code.


CREATE OR REPLACE TYPE APPS_GLOBAL.db_Message_type2 as object ( text VARCHAR2(4000 CHAR), text1 number);


' [OracleCustomTypeMapping("APPS_GLOBAL.DB_MESSAGE_TYPE2")] class db_Message_type2 : IOracleCustomType, INullable { private string _text; private decimal _text1; private bool _isNull;

    public db_Message_type2()
        _text = "iDontKnow";
        _text1 = 30;

    public db_Message_type2(string text, decimal text1)
        _text = text;
        _text1 = text1;

    public string text
        get { return this._text; }
        set { this._text = value; }

    public decimal text1
        get { return this._text1; }
        set { this._text1 = value; }

    public bool IsNull { get { return this._isNull; } }
    public void FromCustomObject(OracleConnection con, IntPtr pUdt)
        OracleUdt.SetValue(con, pUdt, "text", this._text);
        OracleUdt.SetValue(con, pUdt, "text1", this._text1);

    public void ToCustomObject(OracleConnection con, IntPtr pUdt)
        text = (string)OracleUdt.GetValue(con, pUdt, "text");
        text1 = (decimal)OracleUdt.GetValue(con, pUdt, "text1");

    public static db_Message_type2 Null
        get { return new db_Message_type2 { _isNull = true }; }


public class QueueMessageTypeFactory : IOracleCustomTypeFactory
    public IOracleCustomType CreateObject()
        var result = new db_Message_type2("iDontKnow anything about AQ", 50);
        return result;

class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)

    static void EnqueueUDT()
            string _connstring = "myConnectionString";

            OracleConnection _connObj = new OracleConnection(_connstring);


            OracleTransaction _txn = _connObj.BeginTransaction();
            OracleAQQueue _queueObj = new OracleAQQueue("APPS_GLOBAL.db_temp_adv_queue3", _connObj, OracleAQMessageType.Udt, "APPS_GLOBAL.DB_MESSAGE_TYPE2");

            OracleAQMessage _msg = new OracleAQMessage();

            _msg.Payload = new db_Message_type2 { text = "Custom", text1 = 5 };

            // Enqueue the message
            //_queueObj.EnqueueOptions.Visibility = OracleAQVisibilityMode.Immediate;
            //_queueObj.EnqueueOptions.DeliveryMode = OracleAQMessageDeliveryMode.Persistent;

            _queueObj.Enqueue(_msg, new OracleAQEnqueueOptions { DeliveryMode = OracleAQMessageDeliveryMode.Persistent, Visibility = OracleAQVisibilityMode.Immediate });

            _connObj = null;
        catch (Exception ex)

I am not able to understand where i have done wrong.


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