Sublimetext 3 & AngularJS - Syntax highlighting (HTML)

10.9k views Asked by At

Is there some syntax highlighter for angularjs html templates ?



I want someVariable to be highlighted differently from other strings that are between "", or at least I want ng-someDirective to be highlighted.


There are 2 answers

thanosasimo On

For sublime 3 you must edit the HTML.sublime-syntax file:

Find the line 197 "tag-id-attribute" and before that paste

- match: \b(ng-[a-zA-Z\-:]+)
    2: punctuation.separator.key-value.html

Make sure you have no tabs.

Then go to the bottom of the file and after "- include: tag-id-attribute" paste:

- include: tag-ng-attribute
daminufe On

I strongly recommend you to use this package:

It gives to you autocomplete and other stuff.

About the syntax highlighting, I have mine as this:

What I've done Regarding the syntax highlighting, you must change the html syntax parser.

You have to navigate to Packages folder inside your installation folder (mine was /opt/sublime_text/Packages).

Then you open the Color Scheme - Default.sublime-package (using any ZIP explorer), and you edit the Monokai.tmTheme (or the theme you are using).

You must find the tag containing <string>Tag attribute</string> and add this section section after the dict:

  <string>Tag ng attribute</string>

You save the file, and re-add to your "ZIP" which is a sublime-package folder.


Do the same, but for your HTML.tmLanguage, inside the HTML.sublime-package.

There, you need to find for:


and add section after:


Again, save, insert it into your sublime-package, and voilá, delete the sublime application cache, restart it, and you have the syntax highlight.

Please let me know the result. I got this explanation in this link:!topic/angular/qCGSZ6a6KVA

Hope it helps