OpenAM 12.0 XUI javascript error

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OpenAM 11.0.0 works quite well.

But when I try a clear installtion of OpenAM 12.0.0, I encounter JavaScript error in XUI which prevents me to login.

enter image description here

But the network tab says all resources are loaded. enter image description here

Is this a bug or because of my installation?


There are 1 answers

Mr.Wang from Next Door On

After executing the following command, the default login page can be shown now

/openam/tools/admin/openam/bin/ssoadm set-attr-defs -s iPlanetAMAuthService -t Global --adminid amadmin --password-file /tmp/pwd.txt -a openam-xui-interface-enabled=false

However, if appending module=xx parameter, it happens again.