Mov DL, [1000H]
This is the code and i couldn't find how to write OPCODE
it's a transfer from memory to register and it use MOV keyword so
and I found that " 100010 dw oo rrr mmm disp "
so I made OPCODE in this format " 100010 11 oo 010 mmm disp "
I couldn't decide "oo" and "mmm" part
As I know it , we write a register code to mmm part and there is no register here.
What should I write to "oo" and "mmm" part ?
Your opcode encoding mistakenly addresses the DX register. The correct encoding is 10001010b, 0001_0110b, 0000_0000b, 0001_0000b
So the mod field is 00b and the r/m field is 110b