I'm downloading zip archives via ODR and want to show a progress and the completed/total file size to the user (like "3/10MB downloaded") Using KVO I managed to observe the fractionCompleted property of the associated Progress object, so I'm able to show a progress bar.
The code looks like that:
let request = NSBundleResourceRequest(tags: [tag])
request.progress.observe(\.fractionCompleted, options: [.new, .old]) { [weak self] _, change in
guard let progress = change.newValue else { return }
// Use new progress value here
Now, to show the completed/total file size in bytes I tried to access completedUnitCount and totalUnitCount, which happens to always have the values 1 (meaning 1 file?).
How can I obtain the correct values of completedUnitCount and totalUnitCount?
That was surprise for me as well. We've managed to solve this by using the fractionCompleted property of the Progress value: