I want to add a on-click handler for each item in my list.
(defonce selected-department (atom "department!"))
(defn sidebar []
[:li.sidebar-brand [:a {:href "#"} "Departments"]]
;;[:li [:a {:on-click (reset! selected-department "test!")} "Dairy"]]
[:li [:a {:href "#"} "Dairy"]]
[:li [:a {:href "#"} "Deli"]]
[:li [:a {:href "#"} "Grocery"]]]])
Then selected-department is a label which I want to show/use the data
(defn response-box []
[:label#dlabel @selected-department]])
The commented out piece of code doesn't work. Is there a way to make this work?
Your example is not working because you have to pass a function to :on-click like this :
So the only thing that you need to change is to add # before the (reset! ...
It is the equivalent for
Edit :
This is the full code that I tested and works fine for me :
The label at the bottom is updated when an item in the list is clicked.