I've been reading about .NET Core and it seems really cool.
There is just one thing that is making me think and I haven't read it anywhere: when I set my asp.net 5 web app to target .NET Core and deploy it, this app doesn't depend AT ALL on the .NET framework installed on the machine that's going to host it?
I mean, the assemblies deployed already contain the CLR, the BCL and the project dependencies? So I can have mutiple web apps hosted in one single machine with different versions of .NET Core, right?
They ship with whichever dependencies are in your
file. If you choose to deploy CoreCLR, the runtime will be shipped with your app in order for different apps to be able to run on whichever framework version they consume, side by side. The point is that all of the BCL is slowly packaged into separate NuGet packages which ship with your app, step by step removing the need to deploy the entire BCL.