ob_get_content() output incorrect

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I'm experiencing some problems with ob_start function, probably due to the new PHP 5.5

What I'm trying to do is render some PHP from a third file using inside ob_start.

Here the code:

function fetch()
    extract($this->a_vars); // Extract the vars to local namespace


    include (templateClass.php);  // This file is just 'text'
    $s_contents = ob_get_contents();


    return $s_contents;

Basically what I'm doing is extracting some variables in the local namespace that templateClass will use to render/show some pieces of the text, for example:


function func1() {
    return true;

    function func2() {
        return 2;


But my variable $s_contents has exactly ALL the content of the file including the php code inside which is not being interpreted. What I need is to get all the php blocks interpreted and the output will be my final usable PHP class.

Any idea?


There are 1 answers

user2462948 On
  1. include (templateClass.php);
    I hope you have putted quotes in it. Like include ("templateClass.php");