I have an NSBroswer with a series of entries that look up a text blob. If the blob exists then
- (BOOL)browser:canDragRowsWithIndexes:inColumn:withEvent:
returns YES.
This invokes
- (BOOL)browser:writeRowsWithIndexes:inColumn:toPasteboard:
In here I do the following:
NSUInteger changeCount;
changeCount = [pasteboard clearContents];
changeCount = [pasteboard declareTypes:@[NSPasteboardTypeString, NSPasteboardTypeHTML]
didSet = [pasteboard setString:self.currentHTMLCode
retBOOL = retBOOL & didSet;
didSet = [pasteboard setString:[NSString stringWithFormat:@"<pre>%@</pre>", self.currentHTMLCode]
retBOOL = retBOOL & didSet;
Now the data analysis of the pasteboard coming out (with retBOOL: Yes) is:
pasteboard: : <NSPasteboard: 0x101931870>
name: : Apple CFPasteboard drag
change count: : 77
types: : (
"Apple HTML pasteboard type"
items: : (
"<NSPasteboardItem: 0x1005a5cb0>"
PBItem: : <NSPasteboardItem: 0x1005a5cb0>
PBType: : public.utf8-plain-text
String for type [public.utf8-plain-text] = 89958 characters
PBType: : public.html
String for type [public.html] = 89969 characters
retValue: YES
So my problem is that when I drag this to SimpleText or BBEdit, nothing drops. I don't see a highlight of the target document. (Note: I also have a drag image routine, and I see the drag image)
Any ideas why I seem to be populating the pasteboard but it refuses to drop in the other app?
I downloaded the example project SimpleBrowser by Apple, added
[_browser setDraggingSourceOperationMask:NSDragOperationAll forLocal:NO];
in awakeFromNib and implemented almost part of your code and it works with TextEdit, Safari & Word. Here's the sample code