I have created a Django Rest Application and exposed one service (To get the User List)
Now when I am trying to call thru curl request, I am able to get the User List.
curl -v -XGET -i 'http://XXX.XX.XX9.XX1:8000/ebxxx/api/users/'
But When I try to call it from another app using requests.get() method , I am getting 504 server error:
I am trying :
header = {"Content-type":"application/json"}
response = requests.get("http://XXX.XX.XX9.XX1:8000/ebxxx/api/users/", headers=header)
"response , response<504>"
I got the issue, It was related to proxy settings.
Actually I am using two VMs (Both have different IPs) with two different micro services (First VM has User Registration service (Add User, Delete User, Get Users) and Second VM has a service to call the User Registration service using django rest framework).
Now VMs are working in a local area network with some network permissions, So I have to set the proxy range and then I have to start the server.
I am using below command for proxy setting before running the Django server:
export no_proxy='my IP/range'
Now it works fine.