I can not execute below select I am getting error "No Dialect mapping for JDBC type: 2009" but dialect in my Intellij Idea is set to oracle sql

List<Object> results = super.entityManager.createNativeQuery("SELECT XMLELEMENT(PLAYERS, XMLAGG(XMLELEMENT(PLAYER, XMLFOREST(ID_USER as ID_USER, NAME as NAME, LAST_NAME as LAST_NAME)))) players from AIRSOFTWEB_USER").getResultList();

I also execute query below in DataGrip and it works

            XMLFOREST(ID_USER as ID, NAME as NAME, LAST_NAME as LAST_NAME)))) player

And the result was


When i try some other primitive query like: Select * from AIRSOFTWEB_USER; entityManager work fine and the result is return in List of objects as is should.

But weird is that in DataGrip and also in Intellij I am getting an error "Unable to resolve column" where to tag name should be (I am geting it when I hover mouse over red text can be see on pictres below) but still, in DataGrip the query is executed whit out problems

DataGrip screen DataGrip scrrenshot

Intellij screen

enter image description here


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