i am trying to communicate with i2c slaves on raspberry pi 2 with Windows 10 IoT Build 14393 (Background Application C#). I cannot find the nemspace Windows.Devices.I2c anywhere. I have referenced Windows 10 Iot Extensions in different versions.
Can anyone point me to why this is?
UPDATE: Resolved. See answer (and vote please ;)
If you have older / multiple versions installed of Windows Software Developer Kit, there are issues with namespaces apparently. Fix: Remove the old installations and/or make a repair of the current version of Windows Software Developer Kit.
Please refer to MSDN: https://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/101bdffa-d523-4f68-939d-64a037d58e6a/typeloadexception-on-windowsdevicesi2ci2cdevice?forum=WindowsIoT