I am creating an n-api module, is it possible to pass an argument when the require is called?
js wrapper
const NativeAPI = new (require('./../build/Release/mymodule.node')).Hello(3);
// how do i access this argument 3 inside TestClass::Init()
cpp wrapper
Napi::Object InitAll(Napi::Env env, Napi::Object exports) {
return TestClass::Init(env, exports);
cpp class
Napi::FunctionReference TestClass::constructor;
Napi::Object TestClass::Init(Napi::Env env, Napi::Object exports) {
// access 3 here
Napi::HandleScope scope(env);
Napi::Function func = DefineClass(env, "Hello", {
InstanceMethod("create", &TestClass::create),
InstanceMethod("delete", &TestClass::del)
constructor = Napi::Persistent(func);
exports.Set("Hello", func);
return exports;
I understand this is not possible, instead create a constructor and pass any arguments to the constructor.