My Tus URL for .Net Core 3.1 is not working, is my configuration correct?

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When I send a request to the URL path specified in the Startup class I am getting 404 not found when using a Post request, I am using Postman. When I send a options request with Postman, I hit the block of code in the Startup class and get 204 No Content.

What am I doing wrong here? I have went to the .NET example of tus and watch their network request via chrome dev tools, my request seems to be identical?! I am using .NET core 3.1.

Startup class, Configure method.

    public void Configure(IApplicationBuilder app, IWebHostEnvironment env)
        app.UseCors(builder => builder

        app.UseTus(httpContext => new DefaultTusConfiguration
            // c:\tusfiles is where to store files
            Store = new TusDiskStore(@"C:\tusfiles\"),
            // On what url should we listen for uploads?
            UrlPath = "/files",
            Events = new Events
                OnFileCompleteAsync = async eventContext =>
                    ITusFile file = await eventContext.GetFileAsync();

image of my Postman request


There are 1 answers

RussBuss On

So it appears that you are unable to make this type of request via Postman. I was able to get it working when I pulled down and used there js client lib.