I would like to output a MongoEngine document as a JSON object to send through HTTP/Flask. I understand I can simply do this:
doc = VideoRecord.objects.get(id = _id)
return doc.to_json()
But there are a couple of problems with this output, which looks like:
{"_id": {"$oid": "558021e7b5540f001225c1c6"}, "start": {"$date": 1335205543511}, "end": {"$date": 1398277543511}, "videoref": "http://stuff.com", "sensorid": {"$uuid": "e36fa049a77543c388792544cbe94ab3"}}
Firstly I want a DateTime field in ISO format, and secondly I don't want this nested BSON format with $ delimited keys in sub-objects. Basically I need it to look like:
"sensorid": "e36fa049-a775-43c3-8879-2544cbe94ab3",
"start": "2012-04-23T18:25:43.511Z",
"end": "2014-04-23T18:25:43.511Z",
"videoref": "http://stuff.com"
I can see I can override to_json in the Document, and use self.to_mongo to get a dictionary, but I'm not sure how to customise the JSON parsing and return the output style I want. Any examples / pointers?
Edit: I realise I can use this code now:
def to_json(self):
rv = '{ "id": "' + str(self.id) + '", "sensorid": "' + str(self.sensorid) + '"'
if self.start is not None:
rv += ', "start": "' + self.start.isoformat() + '"'
if self.end is not None:
rv += ', "end": "' + self.end.isoformat() + '"'
rv += '}'
return rv
But frankly I was hoping for something a bit less DIY. Still.. it works I guess.
Instead of concatenating strings you can populate a dictionary and then convert it to json: