I currently have a module that has three user inputs, which dynamically update depending on a dataset so people can't choose options that don't exist. These inputs then get taken to the main server for use in graphs/tables etc.
My problem is that server.R is receiving updates when inputs are changed too quickly and it's not waiting for all the inputs to update (since choice 3 depends on choice 2 and choice 2 depends on choice 1).
My initial options are:
"Choice 1:" "1"
"Choice 2:" "a"
"Choice 3:" "A ONLY 1"
If i change choice 2 to "b" I get the following in console:
"Choice 1:" "1"
"Choice 2:" "b"
"Choice 3:" "A ONLY 1"
"Choice 1:" "1"
"Choice 2:" "b"
"Choice 3:" "B ONLY 1"
Choice 3 hasn't updated quickly enough which will cause errors throughout my. Any idea how I can get the user_inputs in server.R to wait for all choices to finished updating?
Example code:
test_data <- data.frame(matrix(c(
1,"a","A ONLY 1",
1,"a","A ONLY 1",
1,"b","B ONLY 1",
1,"b","B ONLY 2",
2,"d","D ONLY 1"),byrow = TRUE,ncol = 3))
names(test_data) <- c("choice1","choice2","choice3")
module_inputs_ui <- function(id) {
ns <- NS(id)
label = "1",
inputId = ns("choose1"),
choices = c(1,2)
label = "2",
inputId = ns("choose2"),
choices = c("a","b")
label = "3",
inputId = ns("choose3"),
choices = c("x","y")
module_inputs_server <- function(id) {
function(input, output, session) {
choice_2_new <- reactive({
test_data %>%
filter(choice1 == input$choose1) %>%
pull(choice2) %>%
choice_3_new <- reactive({
test_data %>%
filter(choice1 == input$choose1) %>%
filter(choice2 == input$choose2) %>%
pull(choice3) %>%
observeEvent(input$choose1, {
session = session,
inputId = "choose2",
choices = choice_2_new()
observeEvent(input$choose2, {
session = session,
inputId = "choose3",
choices = choice_3_new()
# Return List -------------------------------------------------------------
out1 = reactive({input$choose1}),
out2 = reactive({input$choose2}),
out3 = reactive({input$choose3})
ui <- shiny::fluidPage(
module_inputs_ui(id = "module_1")
server <- function(input, output, session) {
user_inputs <- module_inputs_server(id = "module_1")
# # Printing inputs from user (for debuggins etc.)
print(c("Choice 1:", user_inputs$out1()))
print(c("Choice 2:", user_inputs$out2()))
print(c("Choice 3:", user_inputs$out3()))
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)
As the second observer depends on
, you should observe on that. Then it works fine. Try this