Mobile rijndael algorithm implementation

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I have a mobile application generated by codename one, so it is going to work on all mobiles. Its a Client-Server application. I have to store credit card info and some other private info. I think for Encryption Rijndael would be the best. i have used MD5 before but now a days i think it is old

I don't know how to do that any help..?? How can i Encrypt the information on mobile app it self and then send that to server ..?? Or is there any other Encryption method better than Rijndael ..??


There are 3 answers

Shai Almog On

To user cryptographic algorithms in Codename One (hashing, encryption etc.) you can use the bouncy castle cn1lib:

See the full list of 3rd party libraries for Codename One here.

Kayaman On

MD5 is not an encryption method, it's a hash function. Rijndael (a.k.a. AES) is supported out of the box in Java, although there might be some restrictions on the key size.

As a side note, I'm a bit worried that you would be handling credit card information, with a lacking knowledge about security.

Lrrr On

There are lots of algorithms that are sometime better than Rijndael and sometimes worst, it is up to your need to decide what encryption you need.

By the way as you asked about how to encrypt you can see this link about how to implement algorithm, and you can it implement it in almost every languages like this :


Objective C


And almost any language that you want.