Mlogit function error: Error in solve.default(H, g[!fixed]): Lapack routine dgesv: system is exactly singular: U[5,5] = 0

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I have a data frame with several thousand rows and only a few columns. I have pasted a portion of my code below. I am looking at the "Section" preferences of individuals and want to know what might be influencing their choice (e.g., density, area). I successfully formatted the data into long format using but I'm having trouble executing the mlogit function in R which is the final step.

Below is my data frame

   > df[1:30,]
    Date      Indiv  Sections Choices  Density    Area
1  8/1/2017     1      A     Yes       0.13       21.7
2  8/1/2017     1      B      No       0.29       12.2
3  8/1/2017     1      C      No       0.23       7.5 
4  8/1/2017     1      D      No       0.05       3.7
5  8/1/2017     1      E      No       0.31       29.3
6  8/1/2017     2      A      No       0.13       21.7 
7  8/1/2017     2      B      No       0.29       12.2 
8  8/1/2017     2      C      Yes      0.23       7.5 
9  8/1/2017     2      D      No       0.05       3.7
10 8/1/2017     2      E      No       0.31       29.3
11 8/1/2017     3      A      No       0.13       21.7
12 8/1/2017     3      B      Yes      0.29       12.2
13 8/1/2017     3      C      No       0.23       7.5
14 8/1/2017     3      D      No       0.05       3.7
15 8/1/2017     3      E      No       0.31       29.3
16 8/2/2017     1      A      No       0.19       21.7
17 8/2/2017     1      B      No       0.27       12.2
18 8/2/2017     1      C      Yes      0.43       7.5
19 8/2/2017     1      D      No       0.11       3.7
20 8/2/2017     1      E      No       0.47       29.3
21 8/2/2017     2      A      No       0.19       21.7
22 8/2/2017     2      B      No       0.27       12.2
23 8/2/2017     2      C      No       0.43       7.5
24 8/2/2017     2      D      No       0.11       3.7
25 8/2/2017     2      E      Yes      0.47       29.3
26 8/2/2017     2      A      No       0.19       21.7
27 8/2/2017     3      B      No       0.27       12.2
28 8/2/2017     3      C      No       0.43       7.5
29 8/2/2017     3      D      No       0.11       3.7
30 8/2/2017     3      E      Yes      0.47       29.3

After I run the function with the raw data I get this:

    Date      Indiv  Sections  Choices   Density     Area
A  8/1/2017     1      A      TRUE        0.13       21.7
B  8/1/2017     1      B      FALSE       0.29       12.2
C  8/1/2017     1      C      FALSE       0.23       7.5 
D  8/1/2017     1      D      FALSE       0.05       3.7
E  8/1/2017     1      E      FALSE       0.31       29.3
A  8/1/2017     2      A      FALSE       0.13       21.7 
B  8/1/2017     2      B      FALSE       0.29       12.2 
C  8/1/2017     2      C      TRUE        0.23       7.5 
D  8/1/2017     2      D      FALSE       0.05       3.7
E  8/1/2017     2      E      FALSE       0.31       29.3
A  8/1/2017     3      A      FALSE       0.13       21.7
B  8/1/2017     3      B      TRUE        0.29       12.2
C  8/1/2017     3      C      FALSE       0.23       7.5
D  8/1/2017     3      D      TRUE        0.05       3.7
E  8/1/2017     3      E      FALSE       0.31       29.3
A  8/2/2017     1      A      FALSE       0.19       21.7
B  8/2/2017     1      B      FALSE       0.27       12.2
C  8/2/2017     1      C      TRUE        0.43       7.5
D  8/2/2017     1      D      FALSE       0.11       3.7
E  8/2/2017     1      E      FALSE       0.47       29.3
A  8/2/2017     2      A      FALSE       0.19       21.7
B  8/2/2017     2      B      FALSE       0.27       12.2
C  8/2/2017     2      C      FALSE       0.43       7.5
D  8/2/2017     2      D      FALSE       0.11       3.7
E  8/2/2017     2      E      TRUE        0.47       29.3
A  8/2/2017     3      A      FALSE       0.19       21.7
B  8/2/2017     3      B      FALSE       0.27       12.2
C  8/2/2017     3      C      FALSE       0.43       7.5
D  8/2/2017     3      D      FALSE       0.11       3.7
E  8/2/2017     3      E      TRUE        0.47       29.3

Below is my mlogit syntax in R:

ML <- mlogit(Choice ~ Density + Area, data = df, method="nr")

Below is the error message:

Error in solve.default(H, g[!fixed]) : 
  Lapack routine dgesv: system is exactly singular: U[5,5] = 0

I've spent several hours and days modifying the code and researching the issue, but still can't make it run. I would very like to know what I am doing incorrectly and get some guidance on how to make the mlogit function work with my data.

Thank you very much for your help on this.


There are 1 answers

JOgawa On

From what I think your data are, I had this problem too.

It seems to me that density and area are both alternative-specific variables that do not vary across individuals (although they do vary by time within alternative). So I think you need alternative-specific generic coefficients. But, if you do not have any alternative-specific variables that DO vary across individuals, you don't have enough varying terms to model with intercepts. SO, run your model without intercepts:

ML <- mlogit(Choice ~ Density + Area + 0, data = df, method="nr")

... and hopefully it should work.

See the short discussion when I asked about this for the clues about not-enough-terms and the vignette quote: R: Can I analyze non-varying-across-individual alternative-specific attribute variables with mlogit?