I have a class which needs to have a member reference to an abstract class interface that cannot be instantiated in the class constructor. I want this reference to be a shared pointer. Because I want the reference to be to an interface, and I cannot instantiate the object pointed to by the shared_ptr in my constructor, I have to make a shared_ptr to a pointer to an instance of the interface.
Now I want to use the member access operator-> on the shared_ptr, but this is quite ugly because I have to dereference the pointer every time.
#include <iostream>
#include <memory>
class IFace {
virtual ~IFace() {};
virtual void doSomething() = 0;
class A : public IFace {
A() {};
~A() {};
virtual void doSomething() { std::cout << "Foo"; };
class B {
B() {};
~B() {};
std::shared_ptr<IFace *> myA;
void attachA(std::shared_ptr<IFace *> a) {
this->myA = a;
void callDoSomethingFromIFace() {
int main() {
A a;
B b;
b.attachA(std::make_shared<A *>(&a));
Is there a way to use the member access operator-> like so
Instead of
Not sure why you assume that
[...] because the interface is an abstract class, a normal shared pointer will not compile because the interface does not have a constructor.
This works perfectly fine: