Maven pom.xml error jboss (quickstart file)

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I'm using Redhat Developer Studio 12.0 and jboss EAP 7.1 for the server I am trying first the quickstart (helloworld) (jboss), so I will know if everything works fine.
I am newbie to jboss that's what I really don't know much about it.

this is the pom.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>

<project xmlns="" xmlns:xsi=""
    <name>${} helloworld</name>

            <name>Apache License, Version 2.0</name>


        <!-- Import the CDI API, we use provided scope as the API is included in WildFly -->

        <!-- Import the Common Annotations API (JSR-250), we use provided scope
            as the API is included in WildFly -->

        <!-- Import the Servlet API, we use provided scope as the API is included in WildFly -->



There are 1 answers

mav On

Your pom is looking for another parent pom in the upper directory


The parent project have to exist in the path used by <relativePath>

Hope it helps!