I am making a camera app with a button that will be able to turn the flash on and off.
When the flash is not on I would like for the flash_off icon to be displayed.
However, my problem is trying to make the flash turn on and the icon change to flash_auto when the flash icon is pressed. I tried doing something which you can see down below, but I am still new to Flutter and learning the syntax so I do not think it is right.
I also declared the flash variable as a static bool because it would not allow me to declare it as a regular boolean, "static bool flash = false"
const IconButton(
padding: EdgeInsets.only(right: 30), // right 30
onPressed: null,
icon: Icon(
flash ? Icons.flash_on : Icons.flash_off,
color: Colors.white,
iconSize: 50,
onPressed: () {
setState(() {
flash = !flash;
flash ? _cameraController.setFlashMode(FlashMode.off);
//flash?_cameraController.setFlashMode(FlashMode.torch) :
Because you want three options for icons you can't use a simple true/false check, you'll need an array.