Looking to extract information using powershell

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I need to extract information using a powershell cmdlet and a txt file.

The TXT file contains a list of groups

I want to first feed powershell the script... pretty simple:

get-content c:\scripts\mygroups.txt

I then want to run a Foreach-object cmdlet against it and pull only the distinguished name

The problem is that I keep running into the -Filter command and I shouldn't need the filter command because the names are exactly pulled from AD.

Foreach-Object {Get-ADGroup -Filter "*" | select DistinguishedName} works but I dont want all the groups I want the variable that I used for the get-content command. I feel I am missing some type of link between the -Filter and selecting the field I want to display. Please help me link the two together. Thanks!

Here is the error I am getting... Cannot convert 'System.Object[]' to the type 'Microsoft.ActiveDirectory.Management.ADGroup


There are 3 answers

Keith Hill On

Assuming that each group name is on a line in the file and there are no blank lines, try this:

Get-Content c:\scripts\mygroups.txt | Foreach {Get-ADGroup $_} | 
    Select DistinguishedName
MasterOfTheHat On

You could actually take out the "Foreach" part of Keith's code and just let the pipeline do the loop for you:

Get-Content c:\scripts\mygroups.txt | Get-ADGroup | Select DistinguishedName

This is still assuming that the text file contains the group names, ("Name" attribute), with only one group name per line.

Shay Levy On

Pipe the content of the file to the Get-ADGroup cmdlet and expand the DistinguishedName of each output object:

Get-Content c:\scripts\mygroups.txt | 
Get-ADGroup | 
Select-Object -ExpandProperty DistinguishedName