LNK1181: cannot open input file 'release\main.obj' - when rebuilding QT application

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I am a newbie to the QT application. I got some QT based project from my vendor. The sample application is built on QT 5.8.0 msvc2013 32 bit/64 bit, But I don't have msvc 2013 instead I have msvc 2017 installed on my pc. When Rebuilding (after Qmake) the received code I am getting below issue.

Can anyone help me out to get rid of this issue also Looking forward to get your advise on configuring the Qtcreator project and build setting.

error: LNK1181: cannot open input file 'release\main.obj'. The kit Desktop Qt 5.8.0 MSVC2017 64bit has configuration issues which might be the root cause for this problem. When executing step "Make"

The Project.Pro file code,

# Project created by QtCreator 2016-09-21T09:39:10

QT       += core gui

greaterThan(QT_MAJOR_VERSION, 4): QT += widgets

CONFIG += Win64
#CONFIG += console

Win64 {
    TARGET_NAME = umxPrevViewer64
} else {
    TARGET_NAME = umxPrevViewer


FORMS    += mainwindow.ui \
            formmain.ui \
            formpreview.ui \
            formenroll.ui \

CONFIG(debug, debug|release) {
#    DESTDIR = build/debug
    CMI_DEBUG = d
} else {
#    DESTDIR = build/release

message("release_build_mode ")
win32-msvc2017 {
    message("win32-msvc2017 ")

    Win64 {
        LIBS += -L"../lib/PocoWin64" \
            -lPocoFoundation$${CMI_DEBUG} \
            -lPocoXML$${CMI_DEBUG} \
            -lPocoUtil$${CMI_DEBUG} \
            -lPocoNet$${CMI_DEBUG} \
    } else {
       LIBS += -L"../lib/PocoWin" \
            -lPocoFoundation$${CMI_DEBUG} \
            -lPocoXML$${CMI_DEBUG} \
            -lPocoUtil$${CMI_DEBUG} \
            -lPocoNet$${CMI_DEBUG} \

    CONFIG(debug, debug|release) {
 message("win32-msvc2017 32")
        Win64 {
            DESTDIR = "..\\bin\\windows\\debug64\\"
            LIBS += "..\\bin\\windows\\debug64\\umxPrevLib64d.lib"
        } else {
            DESTDIR = "..\\bin\\windows\\debug\\"
            LIBS += "..\\bin\\windows\\debug\\umxPrevLibd.lib"
    } else { message("win32-msvc2017 64")
        Win64 {
            DESTDIR = "..\\bin\\windows\\release64\\"
            LIBS += "..\\bin\\windows\\release64\\umxPrevLib64.lib"
        } else {
            DESTDIR = "..\\bin\\windows\\release\\"
            LIBS += "..\\bin\\windows\\release\\umxPrevLib.lib"


    CMI_HOME = "../include/umxPrevLib"
    POCO_HOME = "../include"

INCLUDEPATH += ../include

SOURCES += main.cpp\
    mainwindow.cpp \
    formmain.cpp \
    formpreview.cpp \
    formenroll.cpp \
    formrecog.cpp \
    restsend.cpp \
    restrecv/handler/LockRequestHandlerM.cpp \
    restrecv/handler/ControlRequestHandlerM.cpp \
    restrecv/restrecvrun.cpp \
    restrecv/restrecv.cpp \

HEADERS  += mainwindow.h \
    ../include/umxPrevLib/requestdatatype.h \
    ../include/umxPrevLib/umxprevlib.hpp \
    formmain.h \
    global.h \
    formpreview.h \
    formenroll.h \
    formrecog.h \
    restsend.h \
    restrecv/HTTPRequestHandlerFactory.h \
    restrecv/Locker.h \
    restrecv/handler/HTTPRequestVerbHandlerM.h \
    restrecv/handler/LockRequestHandlerM.h \
    restrecv/handler/ControlRequestHandlerM.h \
    restrecv/restrecvrun.h \
    restrecv/restrecv.h \


The below is my project Build setting. enter image description here

The below is my Kit setting,

enter image description here


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