I'm trying to get my lightbox gallery to open up. Everything seems to work up to the point where the image should be showing up. The lightbox background fade is in place, but where the image normally would appear it doesn't. Here's the code of where I'm inserting lightbox.
<map name="map4">
<area alt="GalleryPreview1" coords="0,0,180,180" href="GALLERY/Gallery-1.png" rel="lightbox [web]" onmouseover="FWRestore(1,'Indigo');FWSRestore(top.frames,'Indigo');FWLSwap('img4',1,'Resources/gallerypreview1aa.png','','Indigo')" onmouseout="FWRestore(1,'Indigo');FWSRestore(top.frames,'Indigo')">
Could it be because I'm using a rollover image? If I take off the rollover it seems to work, but I want to try and keep the rollover as the rest of my site uses it.
Any help is appreciated. If you need more info, let me know.
What happens if you remove the
attribute from the link, does the image load?