I am trying the gmail apis. I've done the auth. Now I want to create a draft. But I am getting this error
{ error:
I20161220-15:53:43.486(4)? { errors: [Object],
I20161220-15:53:43.487(4)? code: 400,
I20161220-15:53:43.488(4)? message: 'Media type \'application/octet-stream\' is not supported. Valid media types: [message/rfc822]' } } }
Gmail api require base64 string with rfc822 standard. I am not sure of any good way to convert a string to rfc822. How do I do that?
I am using meteor for my app and here is my code.
import { Meteor } from 'meteor/meteor'
import { HTTP } from 'meteor/http'
Meteor.startup(() => {
// Meteor.call('createDraft')
'createDraft': function () {
const user = Meteor.users.findOne(this.userId)
const email = user.services.google.email
const token = user.services.google.accessToken
const dataObject = {
message: {
raw: CryptoJS.enc.Base64.stringify(CryptoJS.enc.Utf8.parse('dddd'))
headers: {
Authorization: `Bearer ${token}`
HTTP.post(`https://www.googleapis.com/upload/gmail/v1/users/${email}/drafts`, dataObject, (error, result) => {
if (error) {
console.log('err', error)
if (result) {
console.log('res', result)
I just needed to send content type as message/rfc822. Here is the working code. Note that the raw message has something wrong in ts because the draft that is created has empty content. But the draft itself is created successfully.