Does this jdl work?. I am using authenticationType session in gateway as well as microservices.
application {
config {
enableTranslation true
applicationType gateway
serviceDiscoveryType consul
languages [en, hi, te]
nativeLanguage en
packageName in.beze.pc
testFrameworks [gatling, cucumber, protractor]
websocket spring-websocket
baseName pc
serverPort 8080
jhiPrefix sys
prodDatabaseType postgresql
devDatabaseType postgresql
databaseType sql
cacheProvider ehcache
enableHibernateCache true
authenticationType session
buildTool gradle
clientPackageManager npm
clientFramework angularX
entities *
application {
config {
baseName masters
applicationType microservice
packageName in.beze.masters
serviceDiscoveryType consul
authenticationType session
prodDatabaseType postgresql
devDatabaseType postgresql
databaseType sql
buildTool gradle
serverPort 8081
skipUserManagement true
cacheProvider ehcache
enableHibernateCache true
websocket spring-websocket
entities Attachment, ContentType, Equipment, EquipmentType, FacilityType, FacilityGroupType, FacilityGroup, Facility, FacilityHistory, FacilityUser, FacilityAttachment, FacilityEquipment, FrequencyType, Frequency, Gender, JobSandbox, Language, Party, Permission, PermissionAuthority, ProductStoreType, ProductStore, ProductStoreFacility, ProductStoreUserGroup, Responsibility, RoleType, Scheduler, StatusCategory, Status, StatusValidChange, UserRole, UserGroup, UserGroupAuthority, UserGroupMember, Uom, UomType, UserAttachment, SystemParameters, QRCode, QRCodeType, QRCodeAttachment, Product, ProductType, ProductCategoryType, ProductCategory, ProductCategoryMember, Stage, ProductSpecGroup, ProductSpec, ProductSpecItem, StabilityCondition, StabilityConditionAttachment
application { config { baseName stability applicationType microservice packageName in.beze.stability serviceDiscoveryType consul authenticationType jwt prodDatabaseType postgresql devDatabaseType postgresql databaseType sql buildTool gradle serverPort 8082 skipUserManagement true cacheProvider ehcache enableHibernateCache true websocket spring-websocket } entities StAttachment, StContentType, AnalysisType, SpEquipment, SsEquipment, SpProductSpec, StabilityProgramme, StabilityAttachment, SampleType, StabilitySample, SampleResult, SampleAttachment, SampleResultAttachment, EquipmentSc }
Note that I am using Session in all microservices and gateway. Is it the correct way to generate microservices with one login per user.
No. JHipster doesn't support session-based authentication for microservices. Only JWT and OAuth are supported for microservices because of their distributed nature.
What are you hoping to accomplish with session-based authentication?