Jenkins BuildResultTrigger doesn't seem to be working

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I can't figure why my job is not triggering nightly. In Jenkins have 2 jobs set up intended to function in the following way

Job 1: DataCheck

Runs every hour runs a check to see if data is consistent.

Job 2: MoveDataToProduction

Every Day at 8pm moves data to production as long as the most recent DataCheck job has passed

I'm using a BuildResultTrigger in MoveDataToProduction , with the Job to monitor DataCheck. The Job Build result is SUCCESS. The schedule is H 20 * * *.

Now, I can see the BuildResultTrigger running a check at 8pm, but even if the DataCheck job last run is success the MoveDataToProduction does not run. Here's all I see:

Polling started on Nov 19, 2014 8:00:00 PM
Polling for the job MoveDataToProduction
Recording context. Check changes in next poll.

Polling complete. Took 0 ms.
No changes.

Will the SUCCESS of DataCheck only be picked up if it changed from a failure state or something? Ideally, my DataCheck should never fail, but I still want the MoveDataToProduction to trigger.


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