Javascript: Using reviver function, I seem can't get to alter all the keys, while concating the numbers

807 views Asked by At

I just want to change all the keys in batchesX. But I can't seem to alter all keys, because of concat. This is what I learned from post.

Please advise how I can change all keys with numbers.

var batchesX = '[{"batch":"0010002033"},{"batch":"0010001917"},{"batch":"0000020026"},{"batch":"0000017734"},'+
                    '{"batch":null}]'; // 30 elements
                    //in JSON text

    var batchi = "batch";

    var obj_batchesY = JSON.parse(batchesX);

    var obj_batchesYlength = obj_batchesY.length;

    var obj_batchesX = JSON.parse(batchesX, 
            for(var i=1; i <= obj_batchesYlength; i++ )

                    this.batchi.concat(string(i)) = v;
                    return v;


Is the code too long winded?

Many thanks in advance. Clement


There are 1 answers

Paul Sweatte On

The return value of the reviver function only replaces values. If you need to replace keys, then use stringify and replace before the parse call, like this:


Here is how to replace all numeric keys:

function newkey()
  return Number(Math.random() * 100).toPrecision(2) + RegExp.$1

//Stringify JSON
var foo = JSON.stringify({"123":"ashanga", "12":"bantu"});

//Replace each key with a random number without replacing the ": delimiter
var bar = foo.replace(/\d+("?:)/g, newkey)

//Parse resulting string
var baz = JSON.parse(bar);

Make sure each replaced key is unique, since duplicate keys will be removed by the parse method.