Good Day Community,
I have a question regarding castor unmarshaling in java. As mentioned I am using castor to unmarshal a webservice response that contains a byte array (byte[]) .. please refer to below:
public class ViewReportResponse {
private String reportId;
private byte[] report;
//getters and setters here ...
I have used castor before to unmarhsal webservice responses, but admittedly, the responses previously where always strings. The problem lyes with the byte array returned as I believe castor chokes on unmarshaling it.
My castor-mapping file is provided below:
<class name="com.domain.reporting.client.service.ViewReportResponse">
<map-to xml="viewReportResponse"
ns-prefix="ns2" />
<field name="reportId">
<bind-xml name="reportId"
<field name="report">
<bind-xml name="report"
type="bytes" />
I'm not sure what I am missing, but the message is received but fails at the point of unmarshaling.
I've attached a clip of the error below.
org.springframework.oxm.UnmarshallingFailureException: Castor unmarshalling exception; nested exception is org.exolab.castor.xml.MarshalException: unable to find FieldDescriptor for 'report' in ClassDescriptor of viewReportResponse.
Please any assistance is much appreciated. Thank-you kindly
The general problem is not the maping to and from the byte[]. The problem is related to the use of namespace in this case.
This post is now effectively solved and closed.