Issues in OpenDDS Build

249 views Asked by At

I am new to visual studio,(vs 2019)

I am trying to build example files in the OpenDDS directory

as in readme,

Instructions for Building the Example (assuming ACE, TAO, DDS, and MPC are installed and configured): - done

  1. Run Make Project Creator to generate build files:

Windows, VC 7.1: perl %ACE_ROOT%\bin\ -type vc71 StockQuoter.mwc Unix, GNU Make: $ACE_ROOT/bin/ -type gnuace StockQuoter.mwc

  1. Build the application

how to build this? I get importing window

after proceeding so many errors in vs, cannot build, why is that?


There are 1 answers

Johnny Willemsen On BEST ANSWER

You have to generate the solutions with the correct MPC project type, you are now generating solutions for Visual Studio 2003. Replace -type vc71 with -type vs2019 and build it again.