Isapi Rewrite: from www to non-www and at the same time from http to https

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i have tried it all!


RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^www\.(.*)
RewriteRule ^.*$ https://%1/$1 [R=301,L]

works only if i don't put the http at the beggining

how do make that to work: if there is http redirect to https if there is www redirect to non-www and ofcourse both on the same time -> --> -->

with every subfolders after and query!


There are 1 answers

goodeye On

I assume you also want ->

Did you ever get this working? I'm having trouble getting a test https site going to double-check this.

In the meantime, I do see a couple things, so try this instead (this assumes isapi_rewrite v3, which it looks like you're using):

RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^www\.(.*)
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ https://%1$1 [NC,R=301]

This adds parentheses to the RewriteRule to capture the url for the $1.

Then the slash between the %1$1 isn't needed, since there's one at the start of the $1 capture.

I like to use NC for not case-sensitive, and the R rule is a final rule, so you don't need the L for last.


I revisited this answer, to update/clarify a couple of secondary issues in my original answer above. These don't change the main solution above, which was to add the parentheses to do the capture.


Then the slash between the %1$1 isn't needed, since there's one at the start of the $1 capture.

This actually depends where the rules are, and whether there's a RewriteBase statement. Common shared-host configurations don't have the leading slash here in the rules, so the slash would be needed. If you're not sure, you can try with and without.


I like to use NC for not case-sensitive, and the R rule is a final rule, so you don't need the L for last.

It turns out it is useful to have L with R for performance, as [NC,R=301,L]. I had actually asked this at Helicon Tech a year before this question, but had forgetten it:
From their response:

... the reason for us to use [L] in 301 redirect rules is that redirect occurs not that immediately. Even though the rule is matched futher rules will be proccessed (run through), unless you have [L]....