If I have a list of list of list of tuples of two strings. I want to flatten it out to a non-nested list of tuples, I could do this:
>>> from itertools import chain
>>> lst_of_lst_of_lst_of_tuples = [ [[('ab', 'cd'), ('ef', 'gh')], [('ij', 'kl'), ('mn', 'op')]], [[('qr', 'st'), ('uv', 'w')], [('x', 'y'), ('z', 'foobar')]] ]
>>> lllt = lst_of_lst_of_lst_of_tuples
>>> list(chain(*list(chain(*lllt))))
[('ab', 'cd'), ('ef', 'gh'), ('ij', 'kl'), ('mn', 'op'), ('qr', 'st'), ('uv', 'w'), ('x', 'y'), ('z', 'foobar')]
But is there another way of unpacking to the non-nested list of tuples withou the nested list(chain(*lst_of_lst))
You could keep unpacking until you hit tuples: