Is it possible to build a linked list without the help of self referential structure?

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Is it possible to build a linked list without the help of self referential structure? I.e. like this just using a pointer:

struct list{
    int data;
    int *nxt;

instead of

struct list{
    int data;
    struct list *nxt;

There are 4 answers

autistic On

Sure. You could use void * instead of struct list * as your nxt member. For example:

struct list {
    int data;
    void *nxt;

Alternatively, if you're prepared to build in a guarantee that the nodes of the list will be stored into an array (which is great for cache locality and insertion speed), you could use a size_t.

struct list {
     int data;
     size_t nxt;

If your implementation provides uintptr_t (from <stdint.h>), you could merge these two types into one:

struct list {
    int data;
    uintptr_t nxt;
John Bode On

Another approach is to use parallel arrays as your "heap"1, with one array containing your data (whether a scalar or a struct) and another to store the index of the next "node" in the list, like:

int data[N];
int next[N];

You'll need two "pointers" - one to point to the first element in the list, and one to point to the first available "node" in your "heap".

int head;
int free;

You'll initialize all the elements in the "next" array to "point" to the next element, except for the last element which points to "null":

for ( int i = 1; i < N-1; i++ )
  next[i-1] = i;
next[N-1] = -1;
free = 0;  // first available "node" in the heap
head = -1; // list is empty, head is "null" 

Inserting a new element in the list looks something like this (assuming an ordered list):

if ( free != -1 )
  int idx = free;    // get next available "node" index;
  free = next[free]; // update the free pointer 
  data[idx] = newValue;
  next[idx] = -1;

  if ( head == -1 )
    head = idx;
  else if ( data[idx] < data[head] )
    next[idx] = head;
    head = idx;
    int cur = head;    
    while ( next[cur] != -1 && data[idx] >= data[next[cur]] )
      cur = next[cur];
    next[idx] = next[cur];
    next[cur] = idx;

Deleting an element at idx is pretty straightforward:

int cur = head;
while ( next[cur] != idx && next[cur] != -1 )
  cur = next[cur];

if ( next[cur] == idx )
  next[cur] = next[idx];  // point to the element following idx
  next[idx] = free;       // add idx to the head of the free list
  free = idx;             

Advantages of this approach:

  1. No dynamic memory management;
  2. No self-referential structures;
  3. Data items are stored contiguously in memory, which may lead to better caching performance.


  1. In this simple approach, list sizes are fixed;
  2. Any usefully large arrays will have to be declared static, meaning your binary may have a large footprint;
  3. The convention of using -1 as "null" means you have to use a signed type for your indices, which reduces the number of available elements for a given array type.

You could certainly use 0 as "null" and count all your indices from 1; this allows you to use unsigned types like size_t for your indices, meaning you can make your arrays pretty much as big as the system will allow. It's just that 0 is a valid array index whereas -1 (usually) isn't, which is why I chose it for this example.

1. Welcome to my Data Structures class, ca. 1987, which was taught using Fortran 77. Parallel arrays were pretty much the answer for everything (lists, trees, queues, etc.)

Eugeniu Rosca On

You might have a look at how linked lists are implemented in the Linux kernel.

Compared to the classical linked lists:

struct my_list{
    void *myitem;
    struct my_list *next;
    struct my_list *prev;

using a linked list in the linux kernel looks like:

struct my_cool_list{
    struct list_head list; /* kernel's list structure */
    int my_cool_data;


Carey Gregory On

Yes, it's possible.

What you're proposing is type punning, and you'll probably get away with it with most compilers on most platforms, but there's not a single good reason to do it in the first place and many good reasons not to.