One of my app needs to download a database with the content encrypted in AES 256. So I've used on server side phpAES to encode the strings in AES CBC with an IV.
On the iOS side I'm using FBEncryptor to decrypt the string.
This is the code on the server side:
$aes = new AES($key, "CBC", $IV);
$crypt = $aes->encrypt($string);
$b64_crypt = base64_encode($crypt);
On the iOS side I'm doing this:
NSString* decrypt = [FBEncryptorAES decryptBase64String:b64_crypt keyString:key iv:iv];
Actually everythings works fine on iOS 8. The problem is on iOS 7 where the decoded string is truncated at random length.
Don't use phpAES. You're shooting yourself in the foot with an enormous cannon.
From their page:
This is incredibly wrong and misleading. ECB mode is not suitable for any purpose except as a building block for other modes of operation. You want an AEAD mode; or, failing that, CBC or CTR with HMAC-SHA2 and a CSPRNG-derived IV/nonce. Using unauthenticated encryption is a very bad idea.
For interoperability with iOS, you should use libsodium.
If you cannot use libsodium, your best bet is OpenSSL and explicitly not mcrypt, and a compatible interface on the iOS side.
All currently supported versions (5.4+) of PHP expose
which allow fast and secure AES-CBC and AES-CTR encryption. However, you should consider using a library that implements these functions for you instead of writing them yourself.