Interaction between type classes and auto tactic

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Consider this simple development. I have two trivial data types:

Inductive A :=
| A1
| A2.

Inductive B :=
| B1 : A -> B
| B2.

Now I introduce a concept of relation and define ordering on data types A and B expressed as an inductive data type:

Definition relation (X : Type) := X -> X -> Prop.

Reserved Notation "a1 '<=A' a2" (at level 70).

Inductive AOrd : relation A :=
| A1_Ord : A1 <=A A1
| A2_Ord : A2 <=A A2
| A1_A2  : A1 <=A A2
where "a1 '<=A' a2" := (AOrd a1 a2).

Reserved Notation "b1 '<=B' b2" (at level 70).

Inductive BOrd : relation B :=
| B1_Ord : forall a1 a2,
    a1 <=A a2 -> B1 a1 <=B B1 a2
| B2_Ord :
    B2 <=B B2
| B1_B2  : forall a,
    B1 a <=B B2
where "b1 '<=B' b2" := (BOrd b1 b2).

Finally, I introduce a concept of reflexivity and prove that both of my relations are reflexive:

Definition reflexive {X : Type} (R : relation X) :=
  forall a : X, R a a.

Hint Constructors AOrd BOrd.

Theorem AOrd_reflexive : reflexive AOrd.
  intro a. induction a; auto.

Hint Resolve AOrd_reflexive.

Theorem BOrd_reflexive : reflexive BOrd.
  intro b. induction b; auto.

Both proofs are finished with auto tactic, with the first proof crucially relying on Hint Constructors and the second one additionally on Hint Resolve AOrd_reflexive being added to hint database.

An ugly thing about the code above is having a separate notation for ordering relation for A and B data types. I'd like to be able to uniformly use <= everywhere. This answer provides a solution to the problem: use type classes. So I introduce a type class for ordering and redefine my ordering relations to use this new notation:

Class OrderR (T : Type) := orderR : relation T.
Notation "x '<=' y" := (orderR x y) (at level 70).

Inductive AOrd : OrderR A :=
| A1_Ord : A1 <= A1
| A2_Ord : A2 <= A2
| A1_A2  : A1 <= A2.

Inductive BOrd `{OrderR A} : OrderR B :=
| B1_Ord : forall a1 a2,
    a1 <= a2 -> B1 a1 <= B1 a2
| B2_Ord :
    B2 <= B2
| B1_B2  : forall a,
    B1 a <= B2.

Hint Constructors AOrd BOrd.

But now proof automation breaks! For example:

Theorem AOrd_reflexive : reflexive AOrd.
  intro a. induction a.

leaves me with a goal:

2 subgoals, subgoal 1 (ID 32)

  AOrd A1 A1

that auto no longer solves despite AOrd constructors being in hint database. I can solve the goal with constructor though:

Theorem AOrd_reflexive : reflexive AOrd.
  intro a. induction a; constructor.

More problems arise in second proof. After doing:

Theorem BOrd_reflexive `{OrderR A} : reflexive BOrd.
  intro b. induction b. constructor.

I am left with goal:

2 subgoals, subgoal 1 (ID 40)

  H : OrderR A
  a : A
  a <= a

Again, auto no longer solves this goal. Even apply AOrd_reflexive does not work.

My question is: is it possible to have a uniform notation by relying on type classes and maintain benefits of proof automation? Or is there a different solution to having a uniform notation for various data types.


There are 2 answers

eponier On BEST ANSWER

A solution that does not involve typeclasses is to take advantage of the scope mechanism of Coq.

Inductive A :=
| A1
| A2.

Inductive B :=
| B1 : A -> B
| B2.

Definition relation (X : Type) := X -> X -> Prop.

Reserved Notation "a1 '<=' a2" (at level 70).

Inductive AOrd : relation A :=
| A1_Ord : A1 <= A1
| A2_Ord : A2 <= A2
| A1_A2  : A1 <= A2
where "a1 '<=' a2" := (AOrd a1 a2) : a_scope.

Delimit Scope a_scope with a.

Inductive BOrd : relation B :=
| B1_Ord : forall a1 a2,
    (a1 <= a2)%a -> B1 a1 <= B1 a2
| B2_Ord :
    B2 <= B2
| B1_B2  : forall a,
    B1 a <= B2
where "b1 '<=' b2" := (BOrd b1 b2) : b_scope.

Delimit Scope b_scope with b.

Definition reflexive {X : Type} (R : relation X) :=
  forall a : X, R a a.

Hint Constructors AOrd BOrd.

Theorem AOrd_reflexive : reflexive AOrd.
  intro a. induction a; auto.

Hint Resolve AOrd_reflexive.

Theorem BOrd_reflexive : reflexive BOrd.
  intro b. induction b; auto.
Jason Gross On

The issue is that your hints are set to trigger on, e.g., @orderR _ AOrd A1 A2, not AOrd A1 A2. So the automation never sees the pattern it's looking for, and never triggers the hints. Here are two solutions:

(1) You can adjust the type of your constructors when adding them to the hint database, so that they trigger when you want them to:

Hint Resolve (A1_Ord : AOrd _ _) (A2_Ord : AOrd _ _) (A1_A2 : AOrd _ _).
Hint Resolve (@B1_Ord : forall H a1 a2, _ -> BOrd _ _)
     (@B2_Ord : forall H, BOrd _ _)
     (@B1_B2 : forall H a, BOrd _ _).

(2) You can define "folding" lemmas that convert the types, and add those to the database:

Definition fold_AOrd a1 a2 (v : a1 <= a2) : AOrd a1 a2 := v.
Definition fold_BOrd `{OrderR A} (a1 a2 : B) (v : a1 <= a2) : BOrd a1 a2 := v.
Hint Resolve fold_AOrd fold_BOrd.