I am new to Python and trying to install transformers following instructions here
i did all the steps but when I got to
python -c "from transformers import pipeline; print(pipeline('sentiment-analysis')('we love you'))"
I got
RuntimeError: This version of jaxlib was built using AVX instructions, which your CPU and/or operating system do not support. You may be able work around this issue by building jaxlib from source.
So I reinstalled and installed with:
pip uninstall jax jaxlib
pip install --upgrade jax jaxlib
and got exactly the same error
Now I am on this link
and did this:
pip install numpy wheel build
but I cannot run the next line
python build/build.py
pip install dist/*.whl # installs jaxlib (includes XLA)
because I am getting
python: can't open file '/Users/e5028514/build/build.py': [Errno 2] No such file or directory
The link tells you to
git clone
the jax repository first. This is why you get a "No such file or directory" error.