In real_time_pose_estimation no errors but fails to detect the object

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I am working on real time pose estimation and you can find the code here (samples given in opencv 3.1.0).

It has two stages:

  1. model registration(Registering the 3D textured model of the object to be detected in a .yml file)

  2. model detection

    • if I send the .yml file(cookies_ORB.yml) which is already there in /real_time_pose_estimation/Data then detection is successful as expected

    • why its not detecting if I manually register the 3D textured model of the object in .yml file and ending with unexpected output .

This is what I do:


create my own textured 3D model:

error model detection

expected output-

successfully detecting if I use cookies_ORB.yml file input


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