I'm doing part of my A-Level college project in VB.NET and am using the Math.NET Symbolics package.
I have MathNet.Symbolics.SymbolicExpresssion imported as Expr.
I have variables defined as type Expr (SymbolicExpression) and I want to conduct an equation involving ArcCos.
Math.NET.Symbolics contains a ArcCos function that takes an Expression type arguement (Not SymbolicExpression like my variables) but there does not seem to be an ArcCos function in Expr, so I cannot use the ArcCos function with my variables due to the difference in types.
I would like to avoid attempting to convert them or change my code to use solely the Expression type. Is there a way of doing this?
Dim a As Expr = CharacteristicPolynomialCoefficients(3)
Dim b As Expr = CharacteristicPolynomialCoefficients(2)
Dim c As Expr = CharacteristicPolynomialCoefficients(1)
Dim d As Expr = CharacteristicPolynomialCoefficients(0)
Dim p As Expr = -b / (3 * a)
Dim q As Expr = (p * p * p) + (((b * c) - (3 * a * d)) / (6 * a * a))
Dim r As Expr = c / (3 * a)
Dim theta = Expr.Variable("θ")
theta = MathNet.Symbolics.Expression.ArcCos() 'This is the function
theta = (1 / 3) * MathNet.Symbolics.Expression.ArcCos(((-1 / 2) * q) * ((3 / -p).Sqrt * (3 / -p).Sqrt * (3 / -p).Sqrt)) 'this will fail due to param being SymbolicExpression