How do I submit async/ajax calls to my razor page methods or do custom validations within steps of the Wizard?
Ex: I'd like to populate data in each step based on what was entered on the previous. I looked at the examples, but they don't seem to show this type of use case.
From the documentation samples, there are events shown, but it is unclear how to bind a specific completion of a step (clicking next) to a specific event function (in tag helper format).
.Events(events =>
Screen shots when using tag helper and trying to figure out how to bind to a step's events:
The events aren't tied to the steps of the wizard - they are at the wizard level:
Then, in the event handler function - you can determine what you want to do based on which step the event was fired from - using e.step.options.label (or other properties on there). From the example located at they output the title of the step in the firing of each event.