Images not showing when uploaded to server

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I have a small five page website and have the images used across the website in the same folder, img. The website works fine offline and I upload everything with the same structure, however when I view the website on the server, certain images don't display for some reason.

For example, my logo and image slider photo's appear, but then images in the gallery are broken. They're all linked correctly, eg:

 <img src="img/logo.png">

They're all name appropriately too, such as slider_1.png etc.

I'm not sure why some display fine whilst others don't, despite them all being in the same folder and being linked the same way in HTML.

Ok, the images are now working but for some reason the CSS isn't working correctly on my own server space, but works on my schools. I haven't played with any of the server settings etc.


There are 2 answers

Ian David Bocioaca On

You can change the code like this:

<img src=""=
Anette On

Had the same problem and after reading half of Google saw that the new version of FileZilla changed the image extensions from .jpg to .JPG when uploaded to the we- problem solved.