iceprog - Can't find iCE FTDI USB device with Alchitry CU

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I'm trying to upload my build code to my alchitry-CU FPGA board threw apio using iceprog on windows.

apio upload

which then executes

iceprog -d i:0x0403:0x6010:0 hardware.bin

And the output is

Can't find iCE FTDI USB device (device string i:0x0403:0x6010:0).
scons: *** [upload] Error 2

I have installed the libusbk driver and also tested uploading with the same cable on another pc with the standard drivers and the provided IDE Alchitry Labs in combination with iceCube2 but I really wanted to use the open source alternative instead.


There are 1 answers


Never mind I found the fix. The problem was that the Alchistry CU shows up as two different devices in Zodic when installing the drivers, one as Interface 0 and one as Interface 1 and I didn't see the other one and only installed the libUsbK driver on one of them.