I'm getting error TS2554 during build but not during dev on my Typescript project

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During dev there's no warnings or compile errors and eveything works fine but on npm run build I get the error TS2554 on a constructor saying Expected 0 - 1 arguments, but got 2.

The constructor has the following definition: ErrorConstructor

(message?: string | undefined, options?: ErrorOptions | undefined) => Error (+1 overload)


interface ErrorOptions {
    cause?: unknown;

This error happens because I'm passing a cause through the ErrorOptions object and as mentioned above I get no error during dev or compile

throw Error('message', {cause: 'cause'})

There are 1 answers

Ivar Kallejärv On

Looking at your code I'd assume the code should be like this:

throw new Error('message', { cause: 'cause' });

Classes have to be initialized with the new keyword.