How to write a link with complex content inside it so that it will be valid and correct

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w3 html validator will tell me that this is wrong:

<a href=">

in order to get a validated as HTML 4 strict (or just for writing things correctly)

What is the better way to write it:

  1. no div's and ul's - just span's with classes that I need to design:

    <a href=">

      <span class="div">something</span>
       <span class="ul">
           <span class="li">first</span>
           <span class="li">second</span>
  2. without <a>

<div id="actAsLink" onclick="'')>







sorry that the code doesn't look at its best - I had troubles handling the "code sampler" on this website.


There are 2 answers


I vote for option 1: Anchor + descriptive class names:

  • The link will work, even when JavaScript or pop-ups are disabled. (this is the most important feature to me.)
  • The class attributes describe their role, as a substitute for the <ul>, <li> elements. These elements can be styled using CSS.

Your structure looks a bit odd though: Why do you want to nest a list in an anchor?

whostolemyhat On

Really you should have <a> tags inside each of the div, ul and li tags:

<div><a href="#"></a></div>
    <li><a href="#">first</a></li>
    <li><a href="#">second</a></li>

This is valid markup, but obviously with the downside that you have three links instead of one. I'm not sure why you want to have a list inside a link though - it's more common to see a list of links.