How To use svn code base(custom extenstion) in hybris environment?

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I have hybris custom extension in svn and hybris package in local machine. I need to use svn custom extension so that i can commit my module changes/updates to svn server. How to edit custom extension path in localextensions.xml to use svn code with hybris package?


There are 1 answers

Grinch91 On

So my understanding is you want your extensions save in a different folder than say hybris/bin/myextensions, is this correct?

If so this is not a problem. To do this create your folder where you want to save your extensions, like you've said you have done. Open up your localextensions.xml in the config.

Include your extensions like this:

    There should be a path dir defined within the config like below
  <path dir="${HYBRIS_BIN_DIR}" />
    Navigate to where your extensions are defined, you can create your 
    own path variable above if you want too, this is just an example for you
  <extension name="${HYBRIS_BIN_DIR}/../../myExtensionsFolder/extension1" />
  <extension name="${HYBRIS_BIN_DIR}/../../myExtensionsFolder/extension2" />

Once you build these extensions should be built too.