I try to use an R package that I have installed using the R package 'packrat' that allow to create a virtual environment similar to virtuanlenv in python. But I do not succeed.
Within a console using R I can run successfully the following code:
cd /path/to/packrat/environment
R # this launch a R console in the packrat environment
result = mycustompackage::myfunc()
I would like to do the same using rpy2, but I'm unable to activate the packrat environment. Here follow what I've tested unsuccessfully.
from rpy2.robjects import r
from rpy2.robjects.packages import importr
packrat_dir = r.setwd('/path/to/packrat/environment')
result = r.mycustompackage.myfunc()
But it fails at 'importr' because it cannot find the package 'mycustompackage'. Either unsuccessfull :
importr('mycustompackage', lib_loc='/path/to/packrat/environment')
os.environ['R_HOME'] = '/path/to/packrat/environment'
importr('mycustompackage', lib_loc ='/path/to/packrat/environment')
Any suggestion on how to use rpy2 with packrat environments?
I am not familiar with the R package
, but I am noticing that the bash + R and Python/rpy2 code have a subtle difference that might matter a lot: in the bash + R case, when R is starting it is already in your packrat project directory whereas in the Python / rpy2 case R is starting from a different directory and is moved to the packrat project directory usingsetwd()
.I am reading that packrat is using a file
(https://rstudio.github.io/packrat/limitations.html), evaluated by R at startup time if in the current directory. I suspect that the issue is down to howpackrat
is used rather than an issue with rpy2.