how to use arima.rob

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does anyone use arima.rob() function described by Eric Zivot and Jiahui Wang in { Modelling Financial Time Series with S-PLUS } ? I have a question about it: I used a dataset of network traffic flows that has anomaly, and I tried to predict the last part of dataset by robust ARIMA method (Arima.rob() function) .I compare this model with arima.mle of S-PLUS. But Unexpectedly, arima.rob’s prediction did not better than that. I’m not sure my codes are correct and may be the reason of fault is my codes. Please, help me if I used Arima.rob inappropriately?


my code for classic arima:

`model <- list(list(order=c(2,1,2)),list(order=c(3,1,2),period=24))
fith <- arima.mle(tmh75-mean(tmh75),model=model)
foreh <- arima.forecast(tmh75,n=25,model=fith$model)



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