I am going to develop an extention to share a selected part of page just by clicking on a share image that shown in page..How can I share a text or image in google plus without opening share dialog? Is there any way?
How to share in Google+ without opening share dialog
870 views Asked by Majid At
There are 2 answers
Google has stated that they want shares to be deliberate actions - they don't want to allow web pages or other systems to be able to post anything "on your behalf" without the user taking a specific affirmative action.
In short, they don't want Facebook's "frictionless sharing".
They are beginning to roll out the ability for websites to automatically post "moments" into a history vault, but users will still need to take a specific action for these moments to be posted to their stream. See https://developers.google.com/+/history/ for more information and the developer preview.
The only way to share on Google+ is through the share dialog.